![]() Glynn R. Wilson Web Publisher, Editor, Writer, Reporter, Researcher Clips: http://www.southerner.net/fast/journalism.html E-mail: fast2write at charter dot net Cell Phone: (205) 960-3639 Page Index: Journalism Experience || Academic Experience || Education || Awards || Memberships || References 1987- Editor, Freelance Associates SouTh (FAST): Free-lance journalist, breaking news and features. Most recent assignments: 2005- Free-lance reporter, The New York Times; Southern regional correspondent, The Christian Science Monitor and United Press International (UPI). 2004 In Washington, D.C.: Staff reporter, States News Service; free-lance reporter, Time magazine. 2000-2004 New Orleans correspondent, The Dallas Morning News; Southern regional correspondent, The Christian Science Monitor; contributing free-lance reporter for The New York Times, national desk; contributing writer for Gambit, the alternative weekly in New Orleans; stringer for UPI and The Doctor's Guide to the Internet. 1999-2001 Creator/President/Editor-in-Chief, The Southerner, a general-interest regional magazine online, www.southerner.net. Spent tireless hours researching how the magazine of the future might be displayed, distributed and promoted. The dotcom bubble may have burst, but the aims of this project are still solid. 1997-2000 Contributing writer, the Environment News Service, the official source of environmental news for the Lycos search engine; and Metropulse, a 30,000 circulation, 85,000 readership alternative weekly in Knoxville, Tennessee. 1995-1996 Regional correspondent for the Washington Bureau of United Press International (UPI), Science and Technology desk. Also published an investigative story on the homeless problem in the Union-Recorder, the smallest circulation Knight-Ridder newspaper in Milledgville, Ga., and a Sunday book review in the Macon Telegraph on David Burnham's latest book, Above the Law. 1989-1992 Staff Writer/photographer with Gulf Coast Newspapers, a chain of six twice-weekly papers on the Gulf Coast, and a columnist for The Islander in Gulf Shores, Ala. (The circulation of The Islander tripled during this period, and fell off drastically after I left). Extensive experience covering science, politics, economics and environmental issues along the Gulf of Mexico coast. Also worked as a stringer for UPI and wrote a national weekly environmental feature for the Miami Bureau of UPI for most of 1992, in addition to breaking news for Atlanta, Dallas and Washington. And I served as a consultant to NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC on a cover story about the Gulf of Mexico, and to CNN on a number of regional features. 1986-1989 Free-lance writer and news store proprietor: Opened the first bookstore/newsstand/coffee bar in the Amirican South, and gained extensive experience on the business and distribution side of the newspaper and magazine industries. Regular contributor to Feature Enterprises; broke into Southern Magazine, Alabama Magazine and Business Alabama Monthly. 1985-1986 Staff Writer, The Decatur Daily: Covered politics, economics, science and education in the Tennessee Valley region of the Southern Appalachians. 1984-1985 Staff Writer/Photographer, Gulf Coast Newspapers: Covered politics, cops and the courts for a chain of six award-winning twice-weekly newspapers, including The Baldwin Times in the county seat of Bay Minette, Ala. (This includes breaking stories on state government during the last term of Gov. George C. Wallace.) 1981-1983 Staff Writer, The Crimson White: Covered politics and education for the University of Alabama's campus newspaper. 1979-1980 Sports stringer, The Birmingham News: Covered high school sports for the local legend Ronald Weathers. 2000-2002 Department of Communications, Loyola University New Orleans. Instructor for three courses per semester and adviser to 50 students. Courses included beginning reporting, feature writing and interpretive reporting. 1996-2000 Graduate Teaching Associate, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Instructor of record for at least one undergraduate course per semester, including Communication Research Methods, Writing for the Mass Media, Editing and Environmental Reporting. * Set up teleconferences with Mark Schleifstein of the New Orleans Times-Picayune, one of the authors of the 1997 Pulitzer Prize winning series "Oceans of Trouble," and with John McPhee for Science Writing as Literature. 1995-1996 Journalism Instructor, Georgia College and State University, Department of English, Speech and Journalism. Professor of record for three journalism courses per quarter, including Introduction to Journalism and Mass Communication, News Writing and Reporting, Editing, Public Affairs Reporting, Editorial and Feature Writing. * Conducted a distance learning tele-video conference workshop with two nationally known writers live from Washington, D.C. David Burnham, a former New York Times and UPI reporter and author, covered the latest in computer assisted investigative reporting techniques. Brooks Boliek, the Washington Bureau Chief for the Hollywood Reporter, covered writing feature obituaries and covering government regulation of the telecommunications and entertainment industries. It was a first for Georgia College and received radio and newspaper coverage. 1993-1995 Instructor, University of Alabama, College of Communication. Instructor for one or two courses per semester, including: News Writing and Reporting and Writing for the Mass Media. Other experience: Designed and directed a comprehensive, statewide public opinion survey at the University of Alabama's Institute for Communication Research. Researcher/writer for a Public Television documentary on the history, science and controversies surrounding the Southeastern forest for the show Discovering Alabama. 2001 Fellow, Institute of Environmental Communications, Loyola University New Orleans. 1996 - Doctoral candidate in Communications, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Grade Point Average: 3.75. ABD, Ph.D. (In the process of transferring and switching research area to journalism history). 1993-1995 Master of Arts in Journalism, University of Alabama College of Communication. GPA: 3.67. 1989 Certified by the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Public Health for covering, "Public Health and the Media: Reporting Epidemiological Research." 1981-1986 Bachelor of Arts in Communication, University of Alabama College of Communication. Journalism major; political science minor. GPA: 3.14. 1979-1981 Associate in Applied Science, Mass Communication, Jefferson State Community College. GPA: 3.10. Student Government senator; finance and entertainment committees; co-founder and editor of a campus newspaper, The Pioneer; Who's Who in American Junior Colleges; nominee for the Harry S. Truman Scholarship. 1993 IN DEPTH NEWS AWARD, Alabama Press Association,: Investigative series on the economic and environmental effects of electromagnetic pulses and the Navy's EMPRESS II nuclear simulation testing program. [It was mothballed after the Senate eliminated a $78 million line item in the Defense budget.] 1992 GRANT RECIPIENT, Fund For Investigative Journalism: Investigation of then-Governor Guy Hunt the first Alabama governor ever removed from office for abusing his position for personal gain. Cited in David Burnham's latest book, Above the Law: Secret Deals, Political Fixes and Other Misadventures of the U.S. Department of Justice, Scribner, 1996. 1991 IN DEPTH NEWS, Alabama Press Association, First Place: Investigative series on the cholera outbreak in Mobile Bay and international cholera epidemic. 1990 PRESS FELLOWSHIP, American Association for the Advancement of Science: Chosen one of the top 10 science and environmental writers in the nation working for newspapers with circulations of less than 100,000. Awarded a $200 stipend to attend the AAAS International Conference in New Orleans. 1989 BEST USE OF GRAPHIC WITH A NEWS STORY, Alabama Press Association, First Place: "Life of garbage in the sea." 1984 SPOT NEWS AWARD, Alabama Press Association: Exclusive world-wide breaking story on the dramatic recovery of baby Akil, kidnapped in Mobile and recovered by authorities in Brighten, England. Broke the story in The Birmingham News. 2001-2002 New Orleans Press Club. 1999-2000 Knoxville Writer's Guild Board of Directors, elected Dec. 2. 1995-2000 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Newspaper and Magazine divisions; Science Communication interest group. 1986 - Capstone Communication Society, University of Alabama. 1990-1993; 1998-2002 Society of Environmental Journalists, Charter Member. Christina McCarroll, Features Editor, The Christian Science Monitor, 1-800-288-7090, Ext. 2478, McCarrollC@csps.com. Lowery Metts, Texas/Southwest section editor, The Dallas Morning News, 1-800-431-0010, lmetts@dallasnews.com. Dr. Ed Mullins, Journalism Department Chair and former Dean, University of Alabama College of Communication, P.O. Box 870172, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0172, (205) 348-7155, mullins@jn.ua.edu. Dan Rutledge, Editor, Gulf Coast Newspapers, P.O. Box 519, Bay Minette, AL 36507, (334) 937-4423. 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