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The Progressive Southerner Goes Online
Glynn Wilson

By Glynn Wilson

For lack of a better name, the Progressive Southerner is being launched as a way to continue adding new content to The Southerner magazine site, to use the server space and domain name created at "www.southerner.net."

Make no mistake — and no I'm not making this up — this is a blatant attempt by creator, publisher and editor Glynn Wilson to create a column that might be syndicated to newspapers around the country. Read on. Pass it on.

My good friend and photographer Spider Martin thinks the world needs places on the Web for alternative commentary. If you would like to make a contribution, send an e-mail to mail@southerner.net for consideration. Considering the low volume of expected contributions due to the minimal marketing of this site, the editor might actually read your contribution and reply very quickly. On the other hand, he may be busy or asleep. Whatever, BTW, PS. Think of this as a "postscript" to the news, meaning "to write after." Get it?

On to the columns:

Secular Education Forever
Sunday, Dec. 2, 2001 — Secular education now, secular education tomorrow, secular education forever. That might make a good battle cry in a run for public office today, although it would not get you elected.

The Progressive Southerner is a column that for now exists only in Cyberspace. No trees or trucks involved. If you would like to support the continuation of this column online, send donations to Glynn Wilson at 7834 1/2 Plum Street, New Orleans, La. 70118. Or purchase advertising by calling (504) 862-6402. For inquieres about syndicating this column, call the number above or send e-mail to mail@southerner.net. Thanks for supporting a progressive free press in the American South. Hosted by Esper Systems. Designed by Southern Web Weavers.

Viewing Note: For optimum viewing, set your computer's resolution to 800 x 600, and a standard default browser font like Times, 12-point, medium. You can easily print individual columns. Just hit the print button in your browser.

Discuss the future of The Southerner and Cyberspace, or whatever, in our Reader Forum, which will stay up indefinitely, or until someone writes something so stupid and libelous we have to pull it down. Be nice, and as O'Reilly says, be pithy.

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