Editorial Endowments for Southern Writing If you would like to honor Willie Morris and help launch The Southerner financially, here's an easy way to help. We are now accepting editorial endowments to support publication of a special issue of The Southerner in tribute to Willie Morris. We've got some of the best Southern writers in the nation writing for us in this issue. If you so choose, we will list your name and any links you want to provide on an editorial endowments page that will remain on the Web indefinitely. Here's the breakdown on the categories of sponsorship. Thanks and we hope you enjoy this special issue. Willie Morris was a special kind of guy. Click here to see the list of generous folks who have made editorial endowments to The Southerner.
Please make checks out to The Southerner, and mail them to UT Box 8820, Knoxville, TN, 37996. Please send e-mail addresses and Web links to mail@southerner.net. We're also accepting individual stock purchases at $1 a share. Send us e-mail if you have questions about this, or call Glynn Wilson at (423) 637-4864. Thanks for supporting a free free press in the American South.
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