The inaugural issue:
The New South Rises, Again | The 'Perfesser' Speaks | Yellin' Range | Heaven Can Wait | Does that make Him any Nicer? | Hockey Skates South | Whittlin' Dixie | Levi's Layoffs Hurt Dixie | Lookin' for Southern Cookin' in NYC | Mardi Gras Marred by Social Stratification, Violence | The Black Crowes Rock Again |
The first summer issue: The War on Sprawl | Training To Be An Astronaut | Lofty Perspectives | Roy Blount, Jr. on Humor, Age and Mama | Disc Golf - Southern Style | Appalachian Trials | Farm Hope? | 'Tis the BBQ/Guitar-Throwing Season | Breakfast with "Big Eyes"| Southern Sounds |
The Willie Morris tribute, featuring noted authors:
Linton Weeks | Willie Morris | Fred Brown | Jeanne McDonald | Will Norton | Larry King | Wayne Greenhaw | Curtis Wilkie | Jack Bales | Winston Groom | Billy Field | Gay Talese | William Styron |
The Fall Issue: A Reprieve for the Okefenokee | Flag-Waving in the Palmetto State | Two Talks | Thank You Very Much | Slippery South | On Monarch's Wings | Fishing Rock Creek | Walking the Bog | Family Farm Drought | Beale St. Culture Blues | Southern Belles Tackle Football | Bar & Grill | In Passing | Books | Southern Sounds
The March Fiction Special issue:
awards for the Robert Penn Warren Prize for Fiction. Gina Ochsner
| Louise Hawes | Ann Bronston | Kate Betterton | Kay Newton | Kay
Newton | Judges Listed |
The Summer 2000 Issue: Technology
Transforms Dixie | Online Doesn't Mean Antisocial | North Carolina
Floods | Inside a Voodoo Temple | Fiction from the late Fred Bonnie
| Sinnin' and Fornicatin' | Joyce Kilmer Memorial Forest | Ida Cox
| Cephas and Wiggins | Book and Movie Reviews | |
The Fall 2000 Issue issue:
Poetry Special| Gambling on the Arkansas River | Hayes Williams
: R.I.P. | Me and Jess, Talkin' Trash | Selected Fiction | A Winter
Walk | Searching for that Something Southern | Sweet Tea, Sweet
Jesus | The Fowl of the South | Scomburgers in Paradise | A Sinking
Feeling in New Orleans | Book and Music Reviews | |
The Playboy Interview Workshop:
Promotional flier produced for workshops held by
the editors of Playboy Magazine on the University of Tennessee campus
Sponsored by the UT College of Communications and The Southerner |