Air Pollution Risks

Seminar in Risk Communication
Communications 553, Fall 1997

Glynn R. Wilson

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Copyright 1997 Glynn R. Wilson. All rights reserved.

Last updated December 8, 1997

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End Notes:

[1] For a more detailed discussion of this phenomenon, see for example: Wilson, G.R. (1995). New York Times coverage of the environment, 1968-1994: an agenda-setting study. A Master's Thesis. University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa. (Being updated for presentation at MAPOR in November).

[2] For a good sampling of the most detailed and comprehensive coverage in the U.S., see the New York Times, June, 8 1997; July 3, 1997; also Wilson, G. R. (1997). Breathing room, Metropulse, 1.

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