The Numbers
The latest national survey from the Pew Research Center shows 41
percent of Americans are turning to computers for news, information
and entertainment, up from 23 percent in 1996. The numbers are even
higher and growing among the young, higher educated, and upper income
brackets, although according to the Pew survey, the Internet is going
mainstream. More women, those without college training, and those
with modest incomes are also getting online. And they are buying.
Even before the 1998 Christmas rush, 32 percent of Internet users
said they made at least one online purchase, up from 8 percent in
Of those who go online, 41 percent say they turn to the Internet
to get more information on stories first seen in traditional media.
Instead of getting news from newspapers or TV, 21 percent say they
read news stories online. People turn to news websites for convenience,
the ability to search for news on a particular topic, and to get information
not available elsewhere. The number who turn to the net for political
news is now estimated at 11 million, up from 7 million in 1996, and
34 percent of those said information on the net influenced their vote
in '98.
Reader Exposure
Upon the The Southerner's launch of the April issue, we will alert the media and the public through press releases to newspapers and magazines
across the country, as well as select multi-media and broadcast news
Due to the innovative nature of The Southernerin both content
and design, it is likely we will receive substantial news media coverage. Therefore, you should consider advertising
with us now before rates go up. Charter advertisers will also lock in start-up advertising rates for the duration of their contracts.
We will announce the magazine's launch on Internet discussion lists,
and the magazine will be registered with all major Internet search engines.
We will also have a meta-tag strategy second to none. As a writer's
market for fiction and nonfiction, we will receive word-of-mouth exposure
through college and university writing programs, and not just in the
South. We expect as much readership in New York and Washington as the
South itself, and to tap into the global interest in this region, its
music and other verities of Southern culture. We expect fiction contests,
photo contests, and other promotions to bring millions of readers to
our content and YOUR advertising.