Technology Alters News Consumption Trends
The news business delivery system has changed dramatically the past few years. It will continue to change as more people get online and acclimate to reading news on computers at work and home. From 1986 to 1989, I owned one of the first newsstand/bookstore/coffee shops in the American South called NewsBreak. A similar selection is now offered free on the Web. What a world. Pour yourself a cup of java and get the news at the click of a mouse. The selection is not totally comprehensive. Just what I use and recommend.
Here you can read my favorite newspapers and magazines, among the first to venture into cyberspace. Most are FREE, although you have to register for some. Others only provide partial content and/or require a subscription. Many charge for stories from back issues. You can still save a fortune by reading the news online, and a bunch of trees in the process. It costs much less and uses less energy and paper to put a newspaper or magazine online than to print and deliver it in trucks all over the country or the world. Notice also that instead of having to wait for several days for newspapers to reach your house or libraries by snail mail or bus, you can get these as fast as the people living in the city of origin. This is one of the most impressive early benefits of the Internet. To get the Times in East Tennessee, rural Georgia, Alabama or even New Orleans the same time it hits the streets of New York! That was WOW in early 1997, when I first put up this online newsstand. Read on! If you can't find it here, Google it!