News Break

In association with
The Southerner
A Magazine Online
A registered electronic
journal with the
Library of Congress
ISSN: 1527-3075

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Free FAST News, Features, Art, Web Design . . . Winter 2004

F.A.S.T is Now in the Web Log Business
We started a progressive Weblog, Blog for short, back in May of 2003. We are keeping up with the headlines on a periodic basis, mostly staying on top of politics, science, the environment, labor and media issues, so what are you waiting for? Come on in.

F.A.S.T is also in the creative web design business. If you like what you see on this site, and happen to be shopping for a professional Web designer, get in touch. Or, if you are looking for a crack reporter, writer or photographer, the best way to reach Glynn Wilson is to contact him by e-mail, at:; or call him on his cell phone: (205) 960-3639.

What Happened to The Southerner magazine online? As you may know, the archives remain up, in case someone with a deep pockets wants to fund its revival. We stopped publishing after Wilson got hired to teach journalism at Loyola University New Orleans and bogged down working on his dissertation at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

This Site is a Launch Pad and Cyberwindow
Glynn Wilson is a veteran print reporter and free-lance writer with university teaching experience in four states. The aim of this website, often under construction in the wee hours of the morning, is to provide reliable information about the world of news, particularly politics, labor and media issues, and science and environmental issues.

In essence, this page you are looking at is a launch pad to cyberspace, a research and teaching tool, and a cyber window through which the world can look into me.

Bon Voyage!
Search the Web Search The Southerner

FAST Home Page Links and Associates
Maury Breecher is a great science writer.
Ron Sitton was managing editor of The Southerner.
Wayne Perkins is a great musician. We have a book proposal in progress.
Rick Bragg is a great writer.
Brooks Boliek covers Washington for The Hollywood Reporter

Recommended Photographers
Spider Martin: Book proposal in progress.
Roland Sherman
- Cool political T-shirts
Dave Stueber
David Rae Morris
A.J. Sisco
NewsBreak | Weblog | Journalism | Education | Research | Liesure | Resume | Top
The Beagle II
When the going gets rough, keep an even keel and head for the beach. In other words, live by Wilson's First Social Law: For every high there is an equal and opposite low. This is the social equivalent of Newton's Third Law of Motion: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Think about it.

Copyright © F.A.S.T 1997-2005. Updated Feb. 18, 2005.

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